Chef for DevOps – an Introduction

Chef is a powerful tool from Opscode which makes Infrastructure as Code real! In the space of DevOps, where Continuous Delivery requires the ‘on-demand’ building, updating and management of Virtual Environments, technologies like Chef become essential. The slide deck attached is from a seminar I delivered recently. The session introduces Chef and its role in DevOps. The agenda of…

Understanding DevOps – Part 5: Infrastructure as Code

Imagine you are a seasoned operations engineer (you know, neck beard and all). Over your career you have most certainly developed a toolkit of scripts that you can use, with minor changes, to perform all your regular tasks of provisioning and managing the plethora of environments you have seen and dealt with over the years….

Monetate’s 12 step program for continuous deployment

I had the opportunity recently to attend a DevOps talk by Jeff Horowitz of Monetate. He was followed that night by a John Allspaw from Etsy. I will write about that talk in a later post. I found Jeff’s talk very interesting. His talk was titled ‘DevOps in a Cloud of Failure’. The essence of his…